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Ocular Disease Mechanisms and Management | Leonard A. Levin
Ocular Disease-a newly introduced companion volume to the classic Adler's Physiology of the Eye-correlates basic science and clinical management to describe the how and why of eye disease processes and the related best management protocols. Editors Leonard A. Levin and Daniel M. Albert-two of the world's leading ophthalmic clinician-scientists-have recruited as contributors the most expert and experienced authorities available in each of the major areas of ophthalmic disease specific to ophthalmology: retina, cornea, cataract, glaucoma, uveitis, and more. The concise chapter structure features liberal use of color-with 330 full-color line artworks, call-out boxes, summaries, and schematics for easy navigation and understanding. In print and online, this comprehensive resource provides you with a better and more practical understanding of the science behind eye disease and its relation to treatment.
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ABC of Eyes | P T Khaw, P Shah, A R Elkington
За три года с момента 3-го издания многое изменилось в лечении глазной патологии. глаукома и макулярная дегенерация, лазерное лечение соревнуется с хирургией, как решить вопрос с рефракционными ошибками - все это будет рассмотрено в деталях и иллюстрировано с новыми рисунками и фотографиями.

In the three years since the 3rd edition much has changed in the treatment of eye conditions. Glaucoma and macular degeneration, laser treatment compared with surgery, how to deal with refractive errors - all these will be described in detail and illustrated with newly commissioned drawings and photographs.
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В данном архиве помещено 7 видео файлов из дистанционного обучения в университете Kaplan. Темы, затрагиваемые в видео:

01. Intro and Retinal Diseases

02. Glaucoma

03. Cataracts

04. Conjunctival Diseases

05. Keratitis

06. Periorbital Cellulitis

07. Uveitis
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When my coworkers and I first took up the task of writing a textbook of ophthalmology that was aimed at medical students but would also be suitable for interns and ophthalmology residents, we did not know exactly what wewere getting ourselves into.

The next four yearswere devoted to intensive study of this subject.We did not merely intend to design a book according to the maxims “understand it in medical school,” “learn it for the examination,” and “use it during your internship.”

Our broader goal was to give students a textbook that would kindle their interest and indeed their enthusiasm for a “small” specialty like ophthalmology and thatwould sustain this enthusiasm all the way through a successful examination.

In an age in which teaching is undergoing evaluation, we felt this was particularly important. In pursuing this admittedly ambitious goal, we were able to draw upon many years of teaching experience.
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Portable, practical information at a glance

In ophthalmology, visual diagnosis is the most crucial part of an examination. This handy atlas is designed to help busy clinicians identify clinical signs and symptoms, establish differential diagnoses, and work through complex clinical questions -- efficiently and accurately.

The Pocket Atlas of Ophthalmology features:

* More than 500 photographs, line drawings, and diagrams.
* Precise clinical descriptions of all major disorders.
* Color-coded tabs for easy access.
* Easy-to-follow bulleted lists and flow charts.
* Side-by-side comparison charts for differential diagnosis.
* Succinct overviews of ocular anatomy and physiology.
* Valuable tips and techniques for diagnosis and treatment.
* Chapters on drug side effects and eye diseases in developing countries.

Also useful as a study guide or patient information aid, the atlas also includes a detailed index and numerous cross-references. Compact, durable, and packed with information, this volume slides into any lab coat pocket, making it the ideal clinical companion for all eye care professionals.