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Инструктивно-методические указания по мерам профилактики расстройства зрения у детей дошкольного и школьного возраста
Настоящие инструктивно-методические указания разработаны Главным санэпидуправлением Минздрава СССР с участием Государственного научно-исследовательского института глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца и кафедры гигиены детей и подростков Центрального ордена Ленина Института усовершенствования врачей.
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Ophthalmology | Made Ridiculously Simple | Stephen Goldberg
Text focuses on material most vital for the non-ophthalmologist. Gives strong emphasis to common disorders, their diagnosis and management, up to the point of referral. Only minimal emphasis is given to the technical diagnostic and therapeutic measures exclusive to the ophthalmologist. For primary care physicians.
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Colour atlas of ophthalmology | Siew Ming Lim, Ian J Constable
Pictures and images are the keys to success in ophthalmology, and this is the first reference to combine full-color illustrations with concise clinical information, all in a pocket-sized format ideal for training and everyday practice. More than 600 clear photographs and supporting text allow the user to quickly identify, diagnose and treat virtually any commonly encountered eye disorder, making this portable book essential for both residents-in-training and practicing ophthalmologists.

Addressing all topics from medical and surgical retina, cornea, neuro-ophthalmology, tumors, inflammation, infections, and glaucoma, to basic office procedures, this comprehensive guide covers all the areas of ophthalmic practice.
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Reperfusion Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction | Eric R. Bates
Reperfusion Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction provides a comprehensive review of reperfusion therapy for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Professor Eric R. Bates and his international team of contributors will examine current and future reperfusion therapies for STEMI, in conjunction with the latest clinical trials and guidelines, to bring you the most in-depth and thorough review of management strategies for these patients. This source addresses key developments that will reduce logistical barriers, improve times-to-treatment, and ensure that appropriate medications are administered in patient care.
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Ocular Disease Mechanisms and Management | Leonard A. Levin
Ocular Disease-a newly introduced companion volume to the classic Adler's Physiology of the Eye-correlates basic science and clinical management to describe the how and why of eye disease processes and the related best management protocols. Editors Leonard A. Levin and Daniel M. Albert-two of the world's leading ophthalmic clinician-scientists-have recruited as contributors the most expert and experienced authorities available in each of the major areas of ophthalmic disease specific to ophthalmology: retina, cornea, cataract, glaucoma, uveitis, and more. The concise chapter structure features liberal use of color-with 330 full-color line artworks, call-out boxes, summaries, and schematics for easy navigation and understanding. In print and online, this comprehensive resource provides you with a better and more practical understanding of the science behind eye disease and its relation to treatment.
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Unlike any other source on the subject, this broad-ranging guide discusses the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of 120 eyelid disorders including benign lesions, malignant tumors, and acquired and congenital malpositions and diseases. Written by leading researchers practiced in the analysis and management of these conditions, this source is a must-have reference for all ophthalmologists, optometrists, dermatologists, otolaryngologists, and general plastic and reconstructive surgeons caring for patients with eyelid and ocular adnexal disease.
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Ophthalmology, 3rd ed. | Yanoff & Duker
We published the second edition of Ophthalmology in 2004. Now, only 5 years later, we again find that enormous advances have taken place in ophthalmic technology, genetics, and immunology, along with other areas. We continue to recognize the advantage of a complete textbook of ophthalmology in a single volume, rather than a multivolume textbook. Our major effort has been updating and keeping current the third edition. Towards this end we endeavored to delete old out-of-date material as we added new material. One of the easiest parts of a revision is adding new material; the most difficult part, but essential, is to delete the old, so as to keep the book at approximately the same size. Throughout our revision we have successfully maintained this balancing act, culminating in a finished product that is essentially the same size as the prior edition.
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Duane's Ophthalmology | William Tasman, Edward A Jaeger
В этом классическом руководстве собрана обширная информация по последним хирургическим и терапевтическим методам лечения разнообразных офтальмологических заболеваний: первичной открытоугольной глаукомы, отслойки сетчатки, повышенного внутриглазного давления и др.

Данное руководство обеспечивает возможность получения фундаментальных знаний по всем разделам офтальмологии, начиная от подробных данных по анатомии и физиологии органа зрения и заканчивая новейшими сведениями о этиологии, патогенезе, клинике, диагностике и лечении глазных болезней.

Данный том представляет собой онлайн-копию одного из наиболее полных руководств по офтальмологии по состоянию на 2007 год.
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ABC of Eyes | P T Khaw, P Shah, A R Elkington
За три года с момента 3-го издания многое изменилось в лечении глазной патологии. глаукома и макулярная дегенерация, лазерное лечение соревнуется с хирургией, как решить вопрос с рефракционными ошибками - все это будет рассмотрено в деталях и иллюстрировано с новыми рисунками и фотографиями.

In the three years since the 3rd edition much has changed in the treatment of eye conditions. Glaucoma and macular degeneration, laser treatment compared with surgery, how to deal with refractive errors - all these will be described in detail and illustrated with newly commissioned drawings and photographs.
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Диабетическая ретинопатия | Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common microvascular complication of diabetes and remains a major cause of new-onset visual loss in the United States and other industrialized nations. In addition to the morbidity and suffering caused by visual loss, the economic impact from diabetic retinopathy is tremendous. Despite significant advances in scientific understanding of diabetic retinopathy, the major treatments for this condition have largely remained the same for many years. Indeed, laser photocoagulation for proliferative diabetic retinopathy emerged in the late 1960‘s, and the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) guidelines for laser treatment of macular edema were formulated around the mid-1980's. Guidelines for vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment were also formulated in the 1980's.
Видеть Без Очков. Уникальная методика восстановления зрения от Школы Здоровья
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Канон врачебной науки | Абу Али ибн Сина | Авиценна
Я утверждаю: медицина – наука, познающая состояние тела человека, поскольку оно здорово или утратит здоровье, для того, чтобы сохранить здоровье и вернуть его, если оно утрачено.

Кто нибудь, однако, может сказать: «Медицина разделяется на теорию и практику, а вы, говоря, что это наука, превратили всю медицину в теорию».

На это мы отвечаем: говорится, что есть искусства теоретические и искусства практические, философия теоретическая и философия практическая; говорят также, что медицина бывает теоретическая и практическая, при этом в каждой части под словом «теоретическая» и «практическая» подразумеваются разные вещи, но нам сейчас нет нужды говорить о различиях, которые имеются в данном случае в виду где либо, кроме медицины.